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In Loving Memory | The Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship Fund

In Loving Memory

May 13, 2017

We dedicate our 8th Annual Awards Ceremony to our dear friend Harry Leavitt, one of our founding Board members, who passed away in March. Harry was a force like no other. Throughout the nine years of the Fund’s existence, his enthusiasm, hard work and ideas have been vital to our organization. It was Harry who arranged for us to hold our 2017 Awards Ceremony at the NW African American Museum in Seattle. He thought it was the perfect venue for us to award a scholarship to a senior from Mercer Island High School and, for the first time, a scholarship to a senior from Rainier Beach High School in Seattle. Harry will be sorely missed. The Award Ceremony is on Saturday May 20, NW African American Museum in Seattle, 2:30-4:30, doors open at 2.