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Application FAQs | The Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship Fund

Application FAQs

What is the Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship?

The Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship is a $5,000 scholarship that is awarded annually to graduating female-identifying seniors from Mercer Island High School (MIHS), Chief Sealth International High School (CSIHS) and Rainier Beach High School (RBHS) whose idealism, academic achievement and volunteer experiences have made a difference in the lives of others in the broader community.

Who is eligible?

College-bound female-identifying seniors at Mercer Island High School, Chief Sealth International High School, and Rainier Beach High School are eligible.

Does the scholarship apply only to four-year colleges?

No, it applies to both two-year and four-year colleges and universities.

What factors will be used to judge applicants’ submissions?
  • Community service
  • Extracurricular activities
  • Academic achievement
  • College plans
  • Financial need
Can working at a job qualify me to apply for the scholarship?

Yes, as long as you can demonstrate leadership, responsibility, and commitment to making a difference in the community, which could include a service activity during the school day.

Can I use the essays I wrote for my college applications?

Yes. You are welcome to upload your personal statement from your college application to answer the question asking to describe your academic interest and post-college graduation plans.

Who can provide a recommendation letter?
  1. One person who is familiar with your community service work or your job, such as supervisors, school personnel, or mentors. Family members are not acceptable as references.
If I am granted a scholarship, what happens with the funds?

We forward the scholarship funds to your chosen school to be applied towards tuition.

Do you keep in touch with scholars?

Through our website and social media, we provide the opportunity for our scholars to network within a growing community of scholars as they navigate the challenges of colleges and careers. Members of the Board of Directors can also provide guidance as scholars pursue their goals, and celebrate their successes.

Can you provide any advice on writing my personal essay?

Click here for some awesome advice on writing your personal essay from Naomi Moore, 2015 scholar and former board member!