by Stanley Dunham | Jul 14, 2017 | 2017 Awards Ceremony, 2017 Scholarship, Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship Fund
2017 Awards Ceremony The finalists from both Mercer Island and Rainier Beach read “I am” poems Nikkita Oliver shares her inspirational story in spoken word A performance by the Dior Majorettes Dancers, ages 10-14, from the Rainier Valley You can find a gallery of...
by Stanley Dunham | May 16, 2017 | 2017 Awards Ceremony, 2017 Scholarship
The big event is on Saturday! Come meet the 2017 Stanley Ann Dunham Scholarship applicants at our Awards Ceremony on Saturday at the Northwest African American Museum. Under the tutelage of Poetry Grand Slam Champ Nikkita Oliver, the applicants from both Mercer Island...